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Curriculum & Instruction
Dual Language and ESL


Vision: The vision of Seguin Independent School District is to add second language skills to a person’s linguistic repertoire in an environment where two languages and cultures are equally valued through a dual language model. 

Elementary Dual Language Program

Bilingual instruction shall utilize the student’s native language as a fountain for teaching academic content that reflects the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) at high levels, while building English proficiency. 

Goals of the Bilingual Program

  • Bilingualism/biliteracy
  • High Academic Achievement
  • Sociocultural competence

Dual Language: One-Way Spanish

  • Emergent Bilinguals receive both English and Spanish
  • Students are prepared to meet reclassification criteria to be successful in English-only instruction.
  • Instruction is deliver by a teacher appropriately certified in bilingual education for the assigned grade level and content area.
  • Participants will attain full proficiency in Spanish as well as English
  • Instruction in literacy and academic content in English and another language whereas at least 50% of the instruction is delivered in the non-English program language for the duration of the program.

Dual Language: Two-Way Spanish

  • Emergent Bilinguals and Proficient English Speakers receive both English and Spanish
  • Students are prepared to meet reclassification criteria to be successful in English-only instruction.
  • Instruction is deliver by a teacher appropriately certified in bilingual education for the assigned grade level and content area.
  • Participants will attain full proficiency in Spanish as well as English
  • Instruction in literacy and academic content in English and another language whereas at least 50% of the instruction is delivered in the non-English program language for the duration of the program.

Dual Language Elements

1. Language of instruction:


2. Classroom and Campus Environment: 

  Language of the Day Activities (PK-5th grade)

  • Promotes bilingualism across the campus
  • Develops vocabulary in both languages 

3. Biliteracy:

4. Methodology of Language Acquisition:

5. Socio-Cultural Competence:

6. Assessments:

Dual Language Enrollment Page
ESL- English as a Second Language
Content-based ESL
Pull-out ESL
Educator Resources