1. $ 39,000,000 - AJ Briesemeister Middle School renovation on the current campus site - including infill, parking and drives
2. $ 17,300,000 - Matador Stadium rebuild at the current Matador Stadium site (no new/additional scoreboard will be included)
3. $ 3,900,000 - Jefferson Elementary School partial renovation of South building
4. $ 1,800,000 - Outdoor ADA playscapes, multi sensory play areas and shade canopies for all Seguin ISD elementary schools (Jefferson, Koennecke, McQueeney, Patlan, Rodriguez, Vogel and Weinert)
5. $ 1,000,000 - Land purchase to replace McQueeney Elementary
6. $ 1,700,000 - Various campus Improvements - including drainage, HVAC, plumbing and furniture.
A Bond Oversight Committee is in place to oversee these projects. Design and construction updates will be provided on this site under the Construction Updates menu item located on the left side of this page.