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Board of Trustees

Exceptional students to exceptional citizens.

To cultivate, inspire and empower students to grow and learn

1. (HB3) Increase the percentage of third grade students who score meets grade level or above on STAAR (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness) Reading from 40% to 54% by August 2025.

2. (HB3) Increase the percentage of third grade students who score meets grade level or above on STAAR Mathematics from 35% to 49% by August

3. (HB3) Increase the percentage of graduates who meet the College, Career, or Military Readiness (CCMR) requirements from 39% to 73% by August

4. Seguin ISD will build a thriving learning community as indicated on a numerical score of 80 or higher on the balanced scorecard.

5. Seguin ISD will improve staff satisfaction as determined by the Organizational Health Inventory (OHI).

6. Seguin ISD will improve student, staff, parent, and community perception as determined by the Net Promoter score.

7. (SGS Goal) 80% or more of SISD students will be enrolled in a campus that is rated A or B by August 2025.

Strategic Priorities

1. Creating and Supporting Future Ready Students

2. Supporting and Valuing Staff

3. Developing Relationships with Families and The Community

4. Creating a Thriving Learning Community