All Seguin ISD students receive free meals in 2024-25
The Seguin Independent School District (SISD) will continue its policy to operate the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program for the 2024-2025 school year. Schools qualifying to operate CEP (all SISD campuses) serve breakfast and lunch to all
children at no charge and eliminate the collection of meal applications for free, reduced-price, and paid student meals. This new approach reduces burdens for both families and school administrators, and helps ensure that students receive nutritious meals.
Clear backpack policy
For the safety of our students and staff, a clear backpack policy will be in effect for all of Seguin ISD students in grades throughout the 2024-25 school year.
For more information, and our frequently asked questions, click here.
Do you need assistance with the purchase of a clear backpack? Click HERE for the Clear Backpack Assistance Form.
Clear bag policy expanded
The Seguin ISD Clear Bag Policy is in effect for guests and visitors attending events in the following facilities during the 2024-25 school year:
Goldie Harris Gymnasium
The Performing Arts Center (PAC)
All Seguin High School Competitive Gymnasiums
Barnes Middle School Gymnasium
Briesemeister Middle School Gymnasium
The current Clear Bag Policy will remain in effect for Matador Stadium.
Todos los estudiantes de Seguin ISD reciben comidas gratis en 2024-25
Seguin ISD sigue siendo parte del Programa de Elegibilidad Comunitaria (CEP) bajo el Programa Nacional de Almuerzo Escolar y Programa de Desayuno Escolar, que permite que todos los estudiantes de Seguin ISD coman gratis, independientemente del estado de elegibilidad.
Borrar política de mochila
Política de mochila clara
Para la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal, estará vigente una política clara de mochilas para todos los estudiantes de Seguin ISD en los grados durante el año escolar 2024-25.
Ampliación de la política de bolsas transparentes
La política de bolsas transparentes de Seguin ISD está vigente para los invitados y visitantes que asisten a eventos en las siguientes instalaciones durante el año escolar 2024-25:
Gimnasio Goldie Harris
El Centro de Artes Escénicas (PAC)
Todos los gimnasios competitivos de Seguin High School
Gimnasio de la escuela secundaria Barnes
Gimnasio de la escuela secundaria Briesemeister
La Política de Bolsa Transparente actual se mantendrá vigente para el Estadio Matador.