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College, Career and Military Readiness (CCMR)

Seguin ISD’s vision is to develop exceptional students to exceptional citizens. As a result, the district has identified college, career and military readiness (CCMR) as a strategic priority with the goal of improving our students’ opportunities for post-secondary success. In alignment with the Texas Education Agency, Seguin ISD works to provide multiple programs and assessments that allow students to achieve their personal college, career and military readiness goals. Seguin ISD students can meet college, career and military readiness standards by accomplishing at least one of these indicators.

Bianca Duvall

Director of CCMR
Bianca Duvall

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CCMR Specialist
Carli Valverde

Sergio Juarrieta

Director of Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Sergio Jaurrieta

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