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Early College High School Program

What is the Seguin Early College High School model?

In January 2014, Seguin Independent School District and Alamo Colleges – St. Philip’s College jointly created the Seguin Early College High School (ECHS). The Seguin ECHS has a primary goal of affording students from underrepresented backgrounds the opportunity to earn an Associate’s degree or 60+ hours. Students are able to earn college credit at no cost to them or their families. As a Texas Education Agency designated campus, Seguin ECHS recruitment and enrollment processes shall identify, recruit, and enroll the subpopulations of at-risk students, first-generation college goers, and students of low socioeconomic status, however, we encourage students of all backgrounds to apply. 

Why is the early college model successful?

Early colleges make college success a reality for students that have traditionally been underrepresented in higher education. By working in close partnership, school districts and institutions of higher education are able to serve students in a more personalized and efficient manner that leads to higher levels of student success. The partnership between Seguin ISD and St. Philip’s College is designed to create:

• Shared vision and common expectations for students and parents

• Focus on rigorous instruction and accelerated coursework

• A college-going culture that provides high school students with access to college facilities and services

• Student support systems including tutoring, counseling and mentoring

• Collaborative teaching and professional development

• Increase high school graduation and retention for students at risk of not graduating

• Reduce barriers to college access for first generation college-goers Increase attainment of postsecondary education and training

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