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Child Nutrition
 2022-23 Meal Prices


All Pre-K - 12 Students

  • Breakfast: FREE
  • Lunch: FREE
  • After School Supper/Snack: FREE

Adult / Visitor

  • Breakfast: $2.55
  • Lunch: $4.50
  • No charging allowed for adults/visitors (must have money on account or pay cash at time of meal purchase)
Charge Policy

The below charge policy is not in effect while all students receive free meals.

$30.00 Charge Limit - Students

If the charge limit is reached or exceeded, the student will be provided an alternate courtesy meal at no charge.  The alternate courtesy meal consists of a sandwich, fruit, and milk.

A student may only purchase ala carte items if sufficient funds are in the student's account.

Ex: A student that wants to purchase a $1.25 Gatorade must have at least $1.25 in his/her account.

To add money to your student's account:

Please visit the Titan Family Portal - (please allow 1 hour for funds to appear in student's account); or 

Bring cash or check directly to the cafeteria during school hours (no credit/debit cards accepted in person)

Using contact information on file, the parent/guardian can also set up alerts through the Titan Family Portal to be contacted routinely if the student's balance is low or negative.  If you have an updated phone number or address, please contact the Child Nutrition Department to ensure you do not miss any notifications.

Free & Reduced Meal Application

All parents/guardians are encouraged to complete a Free & Reduced Meal Application.

Please submit a new application if there are any changes in your household size or income, any time during the schools year.

You can use Titan Family Portal to submit an application or add money to your student's lunch account. 

Shared Tables

The Food Service Department encourages students to use the "Share Tables" that are located in the cafeteria at every campus. 

Students may voluntarily place unopened and uneaten pre-packaged food items and milk from their school cafeteria meal on the Share Table.


These items are available for other students to take and eat, free of charge.


A student may take whole, fresh fruit to save and consume later/after school.


More information on Shared Tables.