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Adopt -A-School

The Adopt-A-School / Adopt-The-District program provides an opportunity for individuals, businesses and other organizations to play an active role in the growth and development of the Seguin ISD. Whether adopting your neighborhood school or donating items or time to multiple campuses or at the District level, your expertise, knowledge, time, and financial resources are all vital and are appreciated.


Some of the many ways you can help:

  • Financially sponsor or cater the monthly Principals Meeting and present a one-minute commercial / provide promotional materials.
  • Rent a nominally priced vendor table at district convocation (traditionally held in August).
  • Provide gift cards / goodies for teachers & students for one or more campuses for special celebrations or “just because”.
  • Donate equipment or school supplies.
  • Donate funds, prizes, or supplies to a campus Parent Teacher Council.
  • Volunteer to mentor or read to students. Offer internships & support career fairs. Click Here to Sign Up  Complete a Background Check Form and follow the directions therein. 
  • Connect with a Seguin High School booster club, Project Based Learning, Fine Arts, Athletics, Ag, Cheer, Dance, JROTC, and more.
  • Serve as a judge for fairs and competitions.
  • Volunteer for school beautification projects.Buy an ad on the Seguin High School video board.
  • Donate to the Seguin Education Foundation, support its fundraisers, or apply for the SEF Board.\



Potential Benefits: 


  • Deliver experiences outside the parameters of traditional education & budget.
  • Achieve a better educated, more motivated workforce which is more in-tune with its community.
  • Contribute to the that will instill a life long love of learning and promulgate as industrious and civic minded citizenry. 
  • Provide the education & incentive to develop financially affluent consumers & taxpayers that contribute to a flourishing community
  • Enhance goodwill for the district & our partners.
  • Nurture a sense of well-being in students, volunteers, & investors.


    For more information contact Jillian Nash at 830-379-0325