The district has opened a public survey, allowing participants to choose between two calendar options. District faculty, staff, and leadership have reviewed the options.
Proposed option #1 would have students start class on Tuesday, August 12, 2025, and include a week-long fall break from October 6-10, 2025, before ending the school year on Friday, May 22, 2026.
In proposed option #2, classes would start Wednesday, August 13, 2026. Students would have a short fall break from October 9-13, 2025, and end the year on Thursday, May 21, 2026.
Neither calendar option has a finalized spring break, given that the district is waiting for Alamo Colleges to finalize its spring 2026 calendar. Some Seguin ISD students are enrolled in Alamo Colleges as part of the district’s dual credit and Early College High School programs.
The district’s survey on the proposed 2025-2026 calendars will be open through Friday, January 10:
The district’s recommendation is expected to go to the Board of Trustees next month.